The first human-only opinions platform

Make the right choice with opinions you can trust.

We are building a place where real experiences prevail

1 human = 1 account

Only verified humans registered on Proof of Humanity can share opinions.

No bots, no spam, no AI

You can trust that every review you read comes from a real human being.

Community-driven platform

Join a community of like-minded humans who value honesty, transparency, and genuine feedback.

Have you ever wondered if the opinions you read online are coming from real people or just bots? Bots have been flooding the internet for a long time, and they are becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate from real humans.

Right now, there are ways to tell if something is generated by Chat GPT, but with the implementation of open source AIs that run locally like Stable Diffusion, everyone will be able to have their own Chat GPT clone, leaving no records or logs to identify generated content.

This is the problem we’re addressing with imho. We are creating a reliable and genuine platform, where opinions are only written by verified humans registered on Proof of Humanity.

The humans behind imho




We’re building imho in public, follow us on this journey!